Bernat de Fonollar (1255-1326)

He was the confidant of King Jaume II “The Fair”, between 1302 and 1323.
General attorney of Catalonia, counselor and tutor of the Infante Jaume and the Infante Alfons later, so he was well rewarded by the king.

He bought the Sitges useful domain rights to Agnès de Sitges in 1306, but it was not until fifteen years later that he became the absolute lord of the castles of Sitges and Campdàsens. In 1323 he left the court and settled in Sitges where he spent his last days with his wife Blanca of Abella and other relatives. In 1324 he founded the Hospital of Sant Joan Baptista and sent paint two chapels of the old church of Santa Tecla.

He died childless in 1326 and designated the Pía Almoina as his sole heir. His tomb is in the Altar de les Ànimes of the parochial church.

