El Carnaval visita a las escuelas de Sitges

El Carnaval visita a las escuelas de Sitges.

17 February, 2023 | All the day

9:00h Visit to the Sitges Schools

H.R.M. Carnestoltes and H.M. the Carnival Queen and their respective entourages will visit the schools and kindergardens to bring the Carnival to all.
H.R.M. Carnestoltes and the Queen invite all boys and girls to prepare costumes and decorate their classrooms and schools.

In the morning: IES Joan Ramon Benaprès, Miquel Utrillo, Cercolet, British School of Barcelona, Agnès de Sitges, Maria Ossó, IES Vinyet, Institute of Arts Barcelona

In the afternoon: La Moixiganga, Esteve Barrachina and Pia Sitges


Programa Carnaval Sitges 2023

Event information

Event information

Event Starts: 17 February, 2023 | All the day

Event Ends: 17 February, 2023 | All the day

Event categories

Carnival | Sitges with children | 


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