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Museums, Exhibitions and Art Galleries2024-01-17T18:33:11+01:00

Sitges Museums

In Sitges we can find 4 museums managed by “Museus de Sitges” that belongs to ‘Sitges Consorci del Patrimoni’ (Sitges Heritage Consortium) such as the Cau Ferrat, the Maricel Museum, the Stämpfli Foundation – Contemporary Art and the Romantic Museum, and ‘Museus de Sitges’  also manages the Maricel Palace.
These museums can be visited from Tuesday to Sunday from 10am to 8pm (July-August), from 10am to 7pm (March to June and September to October) and from 10am to 5pm the rest of the months.

The Maricel Palce

The Maricel Palce  visiting hours are from 10am to 2pm but we recommend checking availability in case it closes for private events.

The Stämpfli Foundation

The Stämpfli Foundation only open on weekends and from 10am to 2pm and from 4pm to 7pm. (from November to June the opening hours are only in the mornings, 10am to 2pm)

You can buy a single ticket to the Cau Ferrat + Maricel Museum or the Stämpfli Foundation or the Maricel Palace (check prices and discounts on the website) or a combined ticket:

– Cau Ferrat Museum + Maricel Museum + Maricel Palace
– Cau Ferrat Museum + Maricel Museum + Stämpfli Foundation – Art Contemporani
– Museu del Cau Ferrat + Museu de Maricel + Palau de Maricel + Fundació Stämpfli – Art Contemporani

The Malvasía de Sitges Interpretation Center,

You also have the Malvasía de Sitges Interpretation Center, a museum space that highlights the heritage of the Malvasía de Sitges.
The CIM is promoted by the foundation of the Sant Joan Baptista Hospital in Sitges and located in the old Corral de la Vila and in the old Hospital Winery, in an 18th century building for public use.

Currently it can be visited on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays.

Cau Ferrat

Maricel Museum

Fundació Stämpfli

Maricel Palace

Romàntic Museum

CIM Malvasia de Sitges

Exhibitions in Sitges

Sitges Film Festival 2024 – Festival de Cine Sitges 2024.

Exposición L’Amic de les arts (1926-1929)

Thu 21 Nov to Sun 16 Mar

Pensar y difundir el arte desde Sitges Sala Vaixells del Palau Maricel Del 21  noviembre de 2024 al 16 de marzo de 2025 Jornada de Puertas Abiertas el viernes 22 de noviembre de 10h a 17h Inauguración de la exposición «L’Amic de les Arts (1926-1929): Pensar i difondre l’art des de Sitges»: ...
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